Happy Easter Monday Text Messages For Love One’s

happy easther

We know that Happy Easter Monday is a very Special Jesus Celebration Day in American, Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Australia, Canada, Spain, France, Germany and other country that has Christianity practitioners. It is an Official Holiday in the United States and ther countries. It is the most popular celebration of the day in the United … Read more

Happy Easter Sunday Text Messages For Love One’s

happy easther

Do you want to share Happy Easter Sunday wishes to your lovers, family and friends. Or do you want to send it to your relatives, brothers and sister but you don’t know how to creat the quotes and easter wishes messages? You are ar the right place, below you can view morethan 50 happy easter … Read more

How Katsina Was Originated From Nupe People

HOW KATSINA WAS ORIGINATED FROM NUPE KIND BY (A.A.U TSANGAYA) Everybody knows that there must be an historical basis for this remarkable relationship between the Nupe and Katsina people. Yet, nobody knows the basis of this relationship. It is in a bid to unravel this historical relationship between the Nupe and Katsina people that we … Read more

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Meaning And History

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD or DPhil; Latin: doctor of philosophy or doctor of philosophy) is the most common degree at the highest academic level awarded after a course of study. PhDs are awarded to programs across many academic fields. Since this is an earned research degree, doctoral students are required to produce original research … Read more

Academic Degree Meaning And History

An academic degree is a degree awarded to students upon successful completion of a course of study in higher education, usually at a college or university. These institutions typically award degrees at a variety of levels, often including undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degrees, often along with other academic certificates and professional qualifications. The most common … Read more

Master’s Degree Meaning And History

A Master’s (from the Latin magister) is an academic degree awarded by a university or college at the end of a course of study that demonstrates mastery or a high-level overview of a specific field of study or area of ​​professional practice. Master’s degree normally requires previous study at the bachelor’s level, either as a … Read more

Bassa-Nge People History

THE BASSA NGE NUPE PEOPLE by Áma Ndagi Abdullahi The Bassa Nge people are a Nupe people through and through , Any discussion on the origin or history of the Bassa Nge people must start on this premise , namely , that they left Central KinNupe as a Nupe people relatively not long ago . … Read more

Top 10 Oldest Tribes In Nigeria

Some years back before 1500, many of modern Nigeria settlement’s was divided into states identified with contemporary ethnic groups names. These early states included the Nupe Kingdom, Igala Kingdom, Kanem-Borno Empire, Igbo Kingdom of Nri , Benin Kingdom, Oyo Empire the Yoruba city-states including the Kingdom of Ife, and the Hausa States. Numerous small states … Read more


It was British historians like Professor Robin Law, swayed by Reverend Samuel Johnson’s pretentious History of the Yorubas, who invented the claim that by the 1690s Oyo had become the greatest Empire in pre-Colonial Nigeria.¹ But all the earliest writers on Yoruba, including the Danmasanin Katsina² and Sultan Bello in the 1830s,³ never mention any … Read more

The Articulation Of Witchcraft & Modes Of Production Among The Nupe

Articulation Of Nupe Witchcraft Abstract The political economy of occult belief in Africa can highlight hidden social and political conflict in times of transition which remain otherwise undetected. This has been demonstrated in taking the development of witchcraft accusations over time as indicator, and the Nupe of Northern Nigeria as an example. A tentative long-term … Read more