The Origin Of Music And History

Music is considered a cultural universal, although the definitions of it are different around the world and throughout history. As well as many aspects of human awareness, it is still arguing about the extent of the origin of the music that will be understood, with scholars who often take over polar positions. The origin of … Read more

Academic Degree Meaning And History

An academic degree is a degree awarded to students upon successful completion of a course of study in higher education, usually at a college or university. These institutions typically award degrees at a variety of levels, often including undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degrees, often along with other academic certificates and professional qualifications. The most common … Read more

Master’s Degree Meaning And History

A Master’s (from the Latin magister) is an academic degree awarded by a university or college at the end of a course of study that demonstrates mastery or a high-level overview of a specific field of study or area of ​​professional practice. Master’s degree normally requires previous study at the bachelor’s level, either as a … Read more


Nupe Reverend Samuel Johnson wrote in his ‘History of the Yorubas’ that Oduduwa came from outside Yorubaland.¹ Oba Obateru Akinruntan the monarch of Ugbo kingdom in Ondo State stated that Oduduwa was not a Yoruba man.² And Dr. Jacob Abdullahi wrote that even the name Oduduwa is not a Yoruba name.³ If Oduduwa came from … Read more

Kakanda People History

Kakanda People Kakanda History The Kakanda land known as Muye , was founded as far back as 1480 which is equivalent to 900 A.H in Islamic calendar .The historical origin of the Kakanda is traced to the great grand children of Mallam Mahmud a great warrior , left Egypt for world exploration , eighty ( … Read more

Bassa-Nge People History

THE BASSA NGE NUPE PEOPLE by Áma Ndagi Abdullahi The Bassa Nge people are a Nupe people through and through , Any discussion on the origin or history of the Bassa Nge people must start on this premise , namely , that they left Central KinNupe as a Nupe people relatively not long ago . … Read more

Lokoja History And Founders

Lokoja is a city in Nigeria , It lies at the confluence of the Niger rivers and Benue rivers and is the capital of Kogi State . [2] The Ebira , Bassa Nge , Nupe , Igala are indigenous to the area, other ethnic groups of Nigeria , including the Igbo , Bini / Edo … Read more